JOJO iFo GEL 100ml
This oxygenated body gel may help to soothe general malaise:
Skin Conditions
Sunburn, acne, eczema, psoriasis,
redness, anti-aging, …
Muscle pain, sore throat, stiff neck,
tissue swelling, arthritis, …
Fungal infection of the skin, nail fungus,
vaginal irritation, fever, nasal congestion …
Apply regularly to the tired area.
Massage until absorbed into the skin.
Stimulates :
- Maintain circulation of blood
- Maintain an Alkaline body pH
- Strengthen the immune system
- Improve oxygen levels in the body
An increase in oxygen level in the body helps to strengthen muscles and increase their energy.
Oxygen not only provides our cells with energy, but also helps in the healing of damaged skin, detoxifies skin cells, helps strengthen elastic fibres and collagen and reduces inflammation.
The gel is suitable for all skin types and can be applied as frequently as needed.
Wart and Eye Cholesterol
“The gel is most certainly very good and effective!”
Björn Bjarnason
Pain after Covid-19 vaccine
“Recovery thanks to this excellent gel.”
Grétar Sigurbergsson
“It is absolutely the best thing that I have tried so far!”
Jens Kjartansson
Scar tissues 2nd degree burns
“I am very pleased with this gel.”
Laura Kirstine
Fast skin growth
“Expected 3 weeks all happened within 5 days.”
Registered shipment
Price calculated in Icelandic kronur
1. stk 1580 kr
2. stk 1040 kr
3. stk 520 kr
4. stk + 0 kr
1. stk 2130 kr
2. stk 1580 kr
3. stk 1040 kr
4. stk 520 kr
5. stk + 0 kr
For all skin types
100% Vegan
Body & Skin
Effective results
Apply minimum 2x daily
Massage until absorbed
Revitalising bodygel
Electrolyte SeaSalt

Body ° Skin
Natural Ingredients
after a massage the muscles are less tired and relaxed

This sensorial moisturising bodygel helps to eliminate toxins from the body and to strengthen the immune system.
The negatively charged ion Cl- from salt may help to awaken the light°body and support the body’s natural healing powers.
As a major electrolyte mineral of the body, chloride ion performs many roles.

What customers say about the JOJO iFo Gel :
Wart and Eye Cholesterol
“The gel is most certainly very good and effective.”
“I can tell you from what concerns my condition. I had a skin tab and I was very surprised so I went to a doctor and showed her my skin and this little skin tab that had swollen out and was probably some toxicity or infection inside and she said I would have to come later and have this cut away when the infection was gone. Now I put the gel on and within a few days this skin tab dried up and disappeared and has not come back since so it is obvious that this had a very healing effect on this thing on my skin.
Furthermore close to my eye there was a precipitation I believe was cholesterol, positive cholesterol, that is not dangerous and I applied the gel on it and it has grown smaller and I could see the precipitation come out when it was going away – so this gel obviously had positive effect on that.
The gel is most certainly very good and effective!”
Björn Bjarnason
Former Minister of Justice of Iceland
“It is absolutely the best thing that I have tried so far.”
“My name is Jens Kjartansson and I have had arthritis since 1998. And then about a month ago I started waking up so stiff in the fingers that I could honestly not move them. And then I came across the gel. This gel here, and then everything started to turn around and I have made tremendous progress since. Then I also have had stiff muscles, especially in the shoulder area. Working as a driver, always in the same body position. And it is the same story there. That is also getting much better using the gel. So I can not but recommend the product. It is absolutely the best thing that I have tried so far!”
Jens Kjartansson
Former Truck Driver
Pain after Covid-19 vaccine
“Recovery thanks to this excellent gel.”
“Good day.
My name is Grétar Sigurbergsson and I am a professional psychiatrist.
Two years ago I unfortunately went to get covid injections with a drug called Moderna, that made me completely unable to work due to pain in my legs and calves that I have had to deal with for the past two years and has caused me a lot of difficulties. It wasn´t until I came across a gel material/substance that I was advised to rub into the skin of my calves which I thought would not do much against this Moderna medicine but turned out that soon after I started using the gel on my calves, the pain slowly but surely diminished and almost disappeared altogether with daly use of this gel. And this has helped me incredably so that now I can again go and do whatever I need to do that was not possible before. I could for example not go shopping since the pain tortured me with every step. I tried to walk this out of my system and just get through the pain that way and continually walk more and more, I tried that and was not going to give up but it was completely intolerable, it increased the pain in my calves still more and it was really bad to begin with. But after I got this gel to rub into my calves every day it is a completely new life for me and I can go wherever I want without any problems. And that I owe to this excellent gel.”
Grétar Sigurbergsson
Eczema nearly gone in a few weeks.
“I am amazed about this good result!”
“My daughter has really bad eczema and last summer her hands were really bad and she was bleeding.
Last winter it was so bad and she bled and it didn’t stop until I bought this product in October.
We used the gel and I think three weeks later she showed me her hands and it was gone.
Although it had disappeared, I asked her to continue using the gel.
Do not stop using the gel even if the eczema has disappeared, but continue using it for some time.
But she stopped and it only came back on the back of her left hand but nothing on the right.
That hand is still completely clean.
I hope she continues to use the gel and yes, I am very optimistic that it will continue to work and that the eczema will go away for good.
And this is the first time I have used a product that has given some results.
Absolutely the first time something works and can help. To be honest, I could not give a better recommendation,
I am amazed about this good result!”
Grace Achieng
Founder and owner of Gracelandic
Toe fungus and shingles on the head
“This is an excellent product.”
“My name is Sigurður Einarsson and I am a Bowen therapist. I have been working with and helping people for 25 years and was so lucky to get to know the JoJo gel and I was told that you could use it for any kind of pain in the body so I bought this and thought of putting it on my toes. I got fungus when I was swimming a lot, I was swimming very often in the swimming pools and the fungus had grown to be terrible and caused inflammation in my toes and bones of the feet. So I started applying the gel and much to my delight it has almost completely disappeared. The small toes are healthy again. And the big toe mostly healthy so the fungus, it is gone. Then I had shingles disease on my head 5 years ago and have never completely gotten rid of that whole thing and I tried to apply this on my head, around the eyes and ears and very quickly the inflammation that was there completely disappeared and with that dissiness and other discomfort that this shingles disease brought me also went away. So I am very pleased with this and I can tell anybody that this is an excellent product.”
Sigurður J Einarsson
Bowen therapist
Lupus gone in a few weeks.
“This is a total wonder. Thank you!”
“My name is Sigrún and I have been diagnosed with Lupus, which is an auto immune disease. I have been battling with it for a few years and often felt really bad with rashes many places all over the body, often in the face and neck area and very bad rashes on the hands. The hands often covered with sores so that I have not been able to use them. Then when it was a little better I got prowess instead. But now I have got to know this gel, that I have got here and after that there has only been recovery and more recovery, it is like a miracle. My hands have become fully white and loose, the neck very good again and this is all going away and I have not been using it for many weeks. This is a total wonder. Thank you!”
Sigrún Jónasdóttir
Former Social Assistance
Lung Infection
“I have not had any sickness whatsoever since.”
“My name is Kristinn H. Þorsteinsson. Last year I caught a cold that later entered the lungs and I just could not get rid of it. I was sick with this repeatedly until I came across this gel. Then things started to turn around and I have not had any sickness whatsoever since.”
Kristinn H. Þorsteinsson
Chairman of the Forestry Society of Kópagvogur
Candida Fungal Infection
“I strongly recommend this.”
“Hi, my name is Helga. I would like to tell you a little bit about this gel here. I have been battling with fungal infection since I remember. I can for example not take a shower and use any kind of soap. Not in the bath tub or swimming pool either. I had tried everything and nothing worked. Except for this product that seems to counter act against the fungal infection so that I am ok. I have not tried yet to go to the swimming pool. Simply because I do not want to spoil this progress, these great results I have had. I strongly recommend this if you are interested. It does no harm to anyone whatsoever. Also, they are testing now if the gel can heal scar tissue, so it is a greatly promising product!”
Taxi Driver
Nerve Tumor – Pain
“Yes, I will continue to use this gel and wholeheartedly recommend it.”
“Hi, my name is Gem King I am having problems in both feet it is a tumor that grows around the nerves near the toes. I have had surgery on one leg but unfortunately the problem continued and is now much worse. I am working with a surgeon to find other solutions. Meanwhile, I’m having a lot of pain, as the problem affects the nerves. As for me – I’m a dog trainer and I’m on the go all day – yes, I need something to kick my ass. When I heard about this iFo gel with Icelandic sea salt, I was skeptical if it could help because of how intense the pain is. – So I was very surprised when I started using it – because I found that if I apply it on every few hours – even if it doesn’t dissolve the tumor, I get peace of mind to live my daily life. So this is a very good temporary solution to help me get rid of nerve pain, a symptom of the problem. – Yes, I will continue to use this JoJó iFo gel and wholeheartedly recommend it. Thanks for introducing me to the product!”
Gem King
Director of “Hidden People” Unique Gifts, Iceland
Scar tissues from 2nd degree burns.
10 weeks progress after daily usage.
“I am very pleased with this gel.”
Gel Review
Sunday 20 September 2020
I have been using the gel from iFo for about 2,5 months. I have scar tissues from 2nd degree burns on my right arm, right hand, right breast and right waist. As a result of the burns I therefore also have received skintransplantations on those same areas.
When I started to use the gel, my scar tissues were 4 months old. The scar crusts from the burns and the skintransplantation had settled and healed, and were now regenerating further. The condition of the scar tissues at this point were that they were sensitive, beginning to raise, getting harder, tenser and stiffer.
After 2,5 months (and still counting) of using the gel, I experience my scar tissues as more moist, flexible, alive, stronger and healthier. I am using a compression glove and silicone pads on my right hand, where the skin were damaged the most, and therefore needs compression to level out the skintransplantation, and I believe, that the gel is helping the scar tissue become more flexible and able to level out under the compression faster.
During the first 1,5 months, I used a less concentrated version of the gel, which I applied every morning and evening. I applied it on the damaged skin and also on some healthy skin, so get more gel into my system. The changes, I experienced, was a healthier and stronger looking scar tissue.
Then we tried to experiment with a more concentrated gel, which goes deeper into the skin, and I have been using that for the last month. The last month, I have been able to apply the gel more frequently during the day, up to 6 times per day. I see a clear difference, when I use the gel more times per day. I see changes happen faster, and feel the aliveness of gel working in my skin. When I changed to the more concentrated gel, I experienced a rash on my right arm, and right waist, where the skin is still sensitive from the burn. I had the rash for about a week, and then it went away. In that period, I stopped applying the gel on those areas with the rash, because I was experiencing stinging sensations and irritation. I instead applied the gel on my healthy skin, my legs and my left arm, to have the gel work in my body still. I have been told that the gel draws out infections and toxins from the body, which could have been what the rash was representing. After the rash was gone, I could apply the gel as usual with no side effects.
I am very pleased with this second round of gel, that goes deeper, because I see how intensely the gel works and improves the scar tissues faster. I also experience that when I apply the gel on my face, I get less pimples.
I look forward to keeping on with the gel, and following the process.
Laura Kirstine
Fast skin growth
“Expected 3 weeks all happened within 5 days.”
29 nóv 2017
“My mother, who was 80 years old this November, was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip.
She started using the gel on her lip for about 14 days before the operation.
She had an operation on 23 Nov.
The lesion was cut out and sewed 12 stitches between the folds of the mouth.
She applied the gel several times a day for the next few days.
On Monday 27 Nov. she then goes to see the plastic surgeon again.
The stitches were gone by themselves and the lip was almost completely healed.
Yet some swelling still. The doctor couldn’t believe his eyes. Said it was the best growth he had ever seen, what about an eighty-year-old.
He expected a 3 week process which all happened in less than 5 days.”